ManACE Executive Board members
Title: |
Name: |
Email: |
President |
Sarah Ketsman (MTS) |
Past-President |
Kirsten Thompson (MTS) |
Vice-President |
Jonathan Waite (MTS) |
Treasurer/Memberships |
Jason Hurton |
Secretary |
Louise Roberts (MTS) |
Member at Large/Webmaster |
Daniel Pegus (MTS) |
Member at Large/MTS PD Day Chair |
Member at Large/eBooks |
Matteo di Muro |
Member at Large |
Kiley Bender |
Member at Large |
Sarah Harder (MTS) |
Member at Large |
Judith Cooper |
Member at Large |
Hayden Rooks (MTS) |
Member at Large |
Kim Williment (MTS) |
Member at Large |
Andy Mead |
Member at Large |
Cody Creed |
The ManACE Board shall consist of not fewer than four Officers and not fewer than six Directors.
The Officers shall be the Past President, the President, President-Elect, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. The President-Elect, the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected for one year terms. The President-Elect shall serve one year as President and the following year as past president.
The term of office for a Director shall be a maximum of three years and that director shall be eligible for re-election to the Board. In order to provide continuity on the Board, two of the directors’ terms of office shall expire each year. A Director appointed by the Board shall serve until the next AGM.
Duties of the Board
The Board shall establish policy for the Association, shall fill any vacancy on the Board that occurs between elections, shall disseminate authorized publications, shall determine the number of Board meetings to be held each year, shall meet as the duly constituted Board during or preceding the ManACE AGM and shall attend to such other matters as may arise between annual general meetings of ManACE. Board members are expected to attend meetings on a regular basis.
Duties of Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board, shall appoint standing and special committees as provided for in the By-laws, or as deemed necessary for the proper conduct of Association business, and shall perform other duties and responsibilities that are necessary.
The President-Elect shall be responsible for aiding in the development of all projects of the Association and assume the duties of the President when the President is absent. The President-Elect shall also be responsible for planning the programs of the regular meetings.
The Past President shall advise, upon request, the other Officers, the Directors and the committees.
The Secretary shall be the custodian of the Association’s records and shall be the recorder of the proceedings at Board, general and special meetings, receive and answer all correspondence related to the Association’s operation.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of dues and disbursements of monies and for the preparation of a budget to be presented to the Board.